Our supplement guidelines are designed for adults. These are based on multiple studies
and have been used widely in strengthening immune system and viral reduction.
(For children: check out our Resource page for more info).
Always inform your medical practitioner of the supplements you are taking.
Remember if you are on medication or have underlying health conditions please consult your doctor first.
STAGES 1 & 2
Building Immunity
• Vitamin D3 2000 IU/day
• Zinc 15 - 30mg twice per day
• Vitamin C 500 - 1000mg twice per day
NB: as quercetin is not readily available, therefore preserve supplies until symptomatic)
STAGE 3 & 4
First Sign of Infection
• Vitamin D3 5000 IU/day
• Vitamin C 1000 - 2000mg twice per day
(Liposomal C is best for absorption)
• Zinc 30mg twice per day
• Zinc Ionophore (to get zinc inside your cells)
- Choose from:
• Quercetin 250 – 500mg 2 x per day
• Nigella Sativa and honey 1000 – 3000mg /day
(The heavier you are the more you need)
• Omega 3 Fish Oils 1000 - 4000mg/day
High dosages of Zinc and Vitamin D3 are only to be used during infection phases.
Other helpful supplements
-Colloidal Silver 15 - 20ml/day
- Elderberry
- Echinacea
• Aspirin 300 – 325mg/day (unless contraindicated) – can help prevent blood clotting.
• Ibuprofen is an over the counter medication that can help to reduce inflammation, and treat headaches, use as instructed. • Slow-release Melatonin - available at some Pharmacies over the counter.
* For anti-histamine support - Promethazine
• Magnesium Glycinate- 200mg before bed
Taurine 1000 - 2000mg before bed
(Note: previous versions of information listed 4000mg of Taurine, this was an error. As always please enquire with your own health practitioner for individual advise wether this supplement is suitable for you.)
• Herbal tea including any of the following herbs:
Chamomile, passionflower, oats, lemon balm, lavender (available from health food stores as well as your local supermarkets)