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We have selected some core nutrients to support your immune system to reduce the effects of this virus. 

These are based on researched international protocols and referenced studies (See References page).

Please see our Resource page for recipes of, soups and smoothies using these nutrients.


Vitamin C can be very helpful in supporting immunity and healing, due to its beneficial antioxidants effects. Our bodies do not store vitamin C so it is good to consume foods high in this nutrient on a regular basis. Foods high in vitamin C include: blackcurrants, red peppers, kiwifruit, oranges, broccoli, parsley and pineapple.


When taking a vitamin C supplement, be aware that it can cause loose stools, so build up slowly.


Vitamin D is not just a vitamin but also a hormone and is extremely supportive of your immune system. Our vitamin D levels can be increased by exposing our skin to sunshine, without sunscreen. Please be mindful of not getting over exposure and sunburn. Throughout the summer, all you need is the time it takes to sit and enjoy a cup of tea. 


During winter it is advisable to maintain Vitamin D levels through food sources and/or supplementation. Vitamin D is bio-available in wild salmon and cans of sardines.


Zinc is an essential trace mineral utilised by your body every day to support your immune system and antioxidant levels. Zinc is highly available in animal meat and sea foods; e.g. lamb, grass-fed beef, chicken and oysters. Plant-based options are more available for absorption into the body if soaked prior to eating, as this removes acids that can block absorption. Plant-based food sources include: pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, lentils and cashew nuts.


Probiotics are live bacteria that line your digestive tract and support your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and fight infection. Probiotic benefits have been proven effective in supporting immune function and reducing inflammation. Probiotic foods include natural yoghurt, sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, miso, and tempeh. Red cabbage sauerkraut can also be an excellent source of Vitamin C. 


Quercetin is a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It may also have the ability to chelate zinc ions and act as a 'zinc ionophore' helping the body utilise zinc to reduce the viral load. (An ionophore helps to get zinc inside your cells, where zinc works best). 

Quercetin is abundant in many fruits vegetables and herbs. Food sources include red onions, capers (in jars), red grapes, honey and citrus fruits. More sources can be found here:


NAC helps break down mucus and is an antioxidant that can help reduce inflammatory responses. It also helps your body to produce its biggest antioxidant defence (glutathione). It is not that easy to buy anymore as a supplement, but you can access it in foods such as: beef, chicken, eggs, cheese, yoghurt and lentils.


Omega 3 is very helpful in reducing inflammation. We don’t produce omega 3 in our body so consuming foods high in omega 3 can assist your body to reduce overall inflammation. Food sources include: sardines, herrings, anchovies, mackerel, wild salmon and flax and chia seeds.


Flavonoids: lemons, oranges, tangerines and grapefruit are abundant with citrus flavonoids like naringenin. This is said to be a supportive anti-inflammatory and boost your antioxidants, helping support your immune system. Remember the skins of the fruits are very helpful too, just ensure you wash them if they are not organic.


Ginger: Supports lowering inflammation and can assist with reducing blood clotting. Making a thermos of ginger root, lemon with peel on and Manuka honey, can be a great way of using ginger, and packing a drink full of nutrients.

Turmeric: Also a great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Fresh or dried turmeric root is your best source (slice it up and add it to your thermos, to your soup, and to homemade bone broth). Dried ground turmeric spice can be used as well.


There are certain foods that can be beneficial in reducing your viral load.

Mushrooms: shiitake and reishi, are available fresh or dried at the supermarket or organic shops, and can also be taken as a supplement.

Herbs: Garlic, ginger, thyme. Make a soup and freeze for use - see resources


When your body is having an inflammatory response it will release histamines. You can help your body clear these histamines, by eating certain foods that will assist with breaking down clearing these histamines.

Herbs; Thyme, ginger, reishi mushrooms, lemon balm, chamomile, fennel and cloves, add these to your foods, soup or in a tea and sip throughout the day.

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