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Figue 1. Phases of Infection

Thanks to the World Council for Health

Virus Symptoms

• Fever or chills

• Cough

• Shortness of breath

• Difficulty breathing

• Chest heaviness and pain

• Fatigue

• Headaches

• Loss of tastes or smell

• Sore Throat

• Congestion or runny nose

• Nausea or vomiting

• Diarrhoea

• Difficulty breathing

Multi-pronged Health Approach


It is very important to treat yourself with a combination of nutritional and lifestyle therapies (and pharmaceuticals if necessary) due to the nature of this infection. This differs from your normal flu virus due to the possible progression from a viral phase to an inflammatory phase in some people. 


  1. Support your immune system

  2. Reduce viral load in the body

  3. Reduce inflammation

  4. Reduce chances of blood clotting

  5. Provide relief for some of the symptoms, (like headaches, coughs, fever etc)

Days 1-6  The Viral Phase

This phase is more like treating a flu. It is very important that you identify your "Day 1" of symptoms so that it is possible to track your progress through the second phase.


Get tested and follow the nutrition and supplement recommendations where possible.

Ensure you are filling out your tracking Journal in the Resources. Monitor your temperature, keep hydrated and rest. Keep in touch with your medical centre, especially if you notice any sudden changes in your breathing.  


You may begin to feel better and think about going back to work or exercising. Please wait until you know you have passed through the next week, with no symptoms. Remember to isolate, and ensure all your family members are also checking for symptoms. If you are on your own ensure you let your neighbours or friends know, so they can help deliver supplies and check on you. Taking your omega 3 oils and increasing your anti-inflammatory foods and anti-histamine foods are very helpful as you start to get your appetite back on around day 6.

Days 6 + The Inflammatory Phase

For some of us there can be a reaction to the spike protein that occurs around "Day 8" that can cause your body to enter into an inflammatory phase.


This is much like your body having a type of allergic reaction. It doesn't happen with everyone, but it is very important to act quickly, at the time, if it does.


Signs maybe occurring include; shortness of breath and breathing difficulties around day 8. (Chetty. S 2020) There may also be a drop in your oxygen saturation levels. Levels below 94% need immediate attention.


It is very important you notify your Doctor immediately. Medication can be very important at this stage. 


Ensure you are focusing on your anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine nutrients along with those that reduce blood clotting during this phase. Aspirin is also good used at this stage, to reduce chances of blood clotting. 

Infections in Vaccinated People

If you are vaccinated you may still become infected and you may pass through the viral stage with no symptoms. There may be a chance, even with a vaccination, that you may be affected by the inflammatory phase, without the viral symptoms like in the first stage.  If this occurs, your first signs might be shortness of breath, or a tight chest. Please check your temperature, if you have an oxygen meter, check your saturation levels.

Immediately contact your doctor. 


Information shared by the Ministry of Health

"When there is high COVID-19 vaccine coverage (i.e., above 80 percent of eligible people are fully vaccinated), transmission is more likely to occur from a vaccinated than an unvaccinated individual"


"If you are vaccinated, you can still catch and pass on the virus"


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