Wanaka Health Bridge has used many references and studies to put together these guides. We are incredibly grateful for all the work many people have done in their areas of expertise in working towards finding ways to help all of us have better health outcomes.
Figure 1. Phases of Infection
Figure 2. Merchant HA. CoViD-19: An early intervention therapeutic strategy to prevent developing a severe disease as an alternative approach to control the pandemic. medRxiv 2021.
Shahzad F. Anderson D. Najafzadeh M. The Antivrial, Anti-inflammatory Effects of Natural Medicine Herbs and Mushrooms and Sars- CoV-2 Infection
Schloss J, Lauche R, Harnett J, Hannan N, Brown D, Greenfield T, Steel A. Rapid review of Systematic reviews on the efficacy and safety of Vitamin C in the management of Acute Respiratory Infection and Disease. • Bradley R, Schloss J, Brown D, Celis D, Finnel J, Hedo R, Honcharov V, Pantuso T, Pena H, Lauche R, Steel A. The effects of Vitamin D on acute viral respiratory infections: a rapid review.
Arentz S, Yang G, Goldenberg J, Beardsley J, Myers S, Mertz D, Leeder S, Hunter J. Clinical significance summary: preliminary results of a rapid review of zinc for the prevention and treatment of SARS-CoV-2 and other acute viral respiratory infections.
Aucoin M, Cooley K, Saunders PR, Cardozo V, Remy D, Cramer H, Abad CN, Hannan N. The effect of quercetin on the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 and other respiratory tract infections in humans: a rapid review.
Schloss J, Leach M, Brown D, Hannan N, Kendall-Reed P, Steel A. The effects of N-Acetyl Cysteine on acute viral respiratory infections in humans: a rapid review.
Prall S, Bowles EJ, Benett K, Giselle Cooke C, Agnew T, Steel A, Hausser T. Effects of essential oils on symptoms and course (duration and severity) of viral respiratory infections in humans: A rapid review.
Joanna Harnett, *, Kerrie Oakes, Jenny Carè, Matthew Leach, Danielle Brown, Holger Cramer, Tobey-Ann Pinder, Amie Steel, Dennis Anheyer The effects of Sambucus nigra berry on acute respiratory viral infections: A rapid review of clinical studies. Quercetin. Flavanoids. 2020.570919/full
Reiter RJ, Abreu-Gonzalez P, Marik PE et al. Therapeutic algorithm for use of melatonin in patients with COVID-19. Front Med 2020; 7:226.
Ashraf S, Ashraf S, Ashraf M et al. Honey and Nigella sativa against COVID-19 in Pakistan (HNS-COVID-PK): A multi-center placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial. medRxiv 2021.
Tavakkoli A, Mahdain V Review on Clinical Trials on Black Seed Nigela Sativa and it's active contsituents
Shi Z, Puyo C A. Acetylcysteine to Combat COVID - 19: An Evidence Review; N
Starship Information 'About Covid-19 in Children'
Asif M, Saleem M Covid-19 and therapy with essential oils having anti-viral, unit-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties.
Lancet- Recovery time of covid and risks of long covid (to reduce fear)
Lancet- community transmission and viral load- difference between vaxxxed and unvaxxed
British Medical Journal- BMJ- viral loads similar
Early Treatment Protocols